Day 19 – Our first temple stay day (Julian) 

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After a night of drinking to celebrate the evening before Jim’s birthday or simply relaxing at the guesthouse, everyone had to be up, awake and ready to go to the Lotus Lantern International Meditation Center for our two day temple stay. After a spot of difficulty in finding the right bus stop, followed by a 2,5 hour bus ride, we arrived at the temple. Upon arrival we were dressed in appropriate clothing and we could choose our three-person rooms.
We started our temple stay with some introductions to the temple and some rules and customs we were requested to follow, like remaining silent as much as possible and walking in a line with our right hand folded over our left. During this introduction we were also taught how to bow properly, which we had to do during morning and evening chants. The half-bow is custom as a respectful greeting, and the three-fold full bow is reserved for prayer and chanting. 

Then it was dinner time. Our dinner consisted of various vegetables, fruit and rice. Some of the vegetables and potatoes were grown by themselves on temple grounds. The absence of meat was tough on some people whilst others didn’t mind at all. 

After dinner it was time for the evening chanting, which consisted the monk chanting some verses while bowed several times. The evening chant took place in the shrine hall, the only traditionally built building on the premises. Most activities were held in the main meditation hall, because that room had air-conditioning.

The last activity of the day was meditating, where we had to sit for 30 minutes concentrating on the flow of air through our nose and don’t think of anything at all. This was very difficult for most of us: especially the cross-legged position was uncomfortable enough to distract some people from their concentration. After meditating, at 9 PM, it was time for bed. A little early perhaps, but tomorrow we would be woken at 4 AM for morning meditation.

– Julian Krol

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