Having reached the end of our adventure in Russia and South Korea, we can look back fondly on this amazing study tour. The amount of memories that we have built up in only four weeks is staggering: we have travelled through two countries that are completely different from the Netherlands and each other in nearly every way imaginable. Moreover, there was a unique and beautiful atmosphere present within our fellowship of travelers.
Our warmest gratitude goes out to the many parties that have supported our study tour. Thank you to the travel organization Hemminkways for assisting us with the planning and logistics of the tour. Thank you to all sponsors, funds and case study suppliers for making this experience financially feasible. Thank you to all companies and universities abroad for giving us such warm welcomes. Thank you to all supporters, contacts and friendly bystanders for giving us a nudge in the right direction when we needed it. And of course many thanks to all the participants who joined us on this tour, for making this study tour an unforgettable experience. Without any of these people, SPARK would not have become as successful as it has.
We sincerely hope that our stories might inspire a new generation of students to organize a study tour of their own and create amazing experiences and memories for themselves.
The SPARK study tour committee